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Blank canvas

Canvas, video projector, software. 2020

The artwork is a simple light installation: a projection on a blank canvas, updated remotely by the artist, on a regular basis.

It’s a work in progress, and content may be updated several times during a day, and may remains the same during several weeks, depending on the artist’s relationship to the work and thought process over one year. Some visuals may be in motion or generative, while most images will remain still. The total amount of images projected is estimated between 12 and 60.

The artwork is an edition of 6, plus one Artist proof installed in the artist’s studio in Brussels. All editions are synchronized to the Artist proof via internet.

One year after the purchase of the work, the installation will go ‘offline’ and artworks will be displayed again as a one-year-long loop, so all images remain available without the need of an internet connection.